Fascinating Facts About Siberian Tigers

Scientific facts about Siberian tigers reveal that among numerous subspecies of tigers, the most fierce and strong is the Siberian tiger. Alternatively known as the Amur tiger, this beast inhabits the interior areas of China and North Korea but may also be found in Eastern Russia’s thick forests. These tigers are known for their physical features and their sheer strength.

Some Interesting Facts About Siberian Tigers

Owing to the tough climate as well as other factors of the regions they inhabit, these tigers are strong, with thick coats and huge heads and forelimbs that could tear apart a tree and can weigh up to 400 pounds. There are an estimated 500 Siberian tigers still surviving in the wild, with studies suggesting these numbers are likely to be stable. There are a lot of different factors due to which other breeds of tigers are dying out, with hunting being at the forefront. However, these resilient beasts are surviving and breeding at a natural rate, which has put the minds of nature conservationists at ease.

The northern regions mean that there is low human density, and thus, the tigers have an advantage over them. The massive woodlands offer the tigers a lot more room to roam as there isn’t a lot of human activity in the areas. The Siberian tigers are known to be the largest among the wildcats and are renowned for their sheer power and supple intelligence, as well as their beauty.

Are Siberian Tigers an Endangered Species?

There were several subspecies of this tiger that existed a few decades ago, but they are slowly becoming extinct. Over the twentieth century, at least three species of tiger have been known to die out, while in the last century alone, it has been garnered that hunting and deforestation have led to some serious damage to their numbers. There has been a very distinctive fall in the number of tigers that are surviving. Although poaching has been reduced due to several different laws and bills, there are still a significantly large number of threats to Siberian tigers.

A Loner By Default

These tigers are known to be solitary creatures, as their natural instinct is to mark their territory and to fiercely protect it from other animals. They are also extremely powerful in terms of hunting for their prey, and they prefer to do it alone. A well-known fact about the Siberian tiger is that they like to shelter in a very secluded and protective space. They like to scent-mark their territories as well as use a very distinctive camouflage coat to their advantage.

Their Hunting Patterns

They prefer to hunt by thoughtfully scoping out their prey and using stealthy methods. They are patient and have been known to lie and wait for several hours to pounce on their victim in one fatal spring. As these animals are so large, they need large portions to feed on in one go. They can eat up to 60 kg in one sitting, which is enough to feed several humans for at least a few days. It is easy to see why they have such a fearsome reputation, given their history. However, only rarely have they been known to pounce on a human to finish them off. There are cases where these wildcats have wandered into rural areas that are around forests or streams, but they are not known to attack unless they are provoked or threatened. They are huge cats, so it is extremely difficult to control and confine them. Thus,  the wildlife conservation authorities are known to feel safe about their survival.

Siberian tigers breeding habits are often recorded for scientific perusal. The females of the race usually give birth to a litter of two to six cubs, which are then raised separately from the males. The males are known to be somewhat vicious or even cannibalistic when it comes to cubs. The cubs themselves are born blind and are not able to open their eyes a week after being born. They are raised by the females until they are at least 18 months old, after which they can competently hunt by themselves. They remain with the mother for a period of two to three years, which is when they learn to feed themselves, to hunt, to avoid threats, and to find suitable shelter. After this period, they are ready to find and mark their own territory, so they leave their homes.

Facts about Siberian tigers are not only interesting, but a thorough study of these facts can help us preserve these endangered species of tigers.

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